
Top 10 Fastest Benefits of Paperless Validation

Validation processes in many life sciences organizations remains a paper-centric process. This creates unnecessary audit pain, wasted time and worker frustration. Often, the refusal to go paperless stems from lingering misconceptions about why a paperless validation solution would be necessary, worthwhile or even beneficial.

In the early days after FDA 21 CFR Part II went into effect, many life sciences organizations refused to adopt electronic validation. The cost of implementing regulation-compliant e-validation solutions (those that were even available) was significantly higher than simply retaining paper-based validations. Appropriately, many life sciences organizations foresaw little to no tangible return.

A lot has changed since then. Total, the technology is feature-complete and far more accessible. And the benefits of paperless validation go beyond just paper — it’s about digitization, collaboration, analysis, scalability and total business performance. Explore the top 10 fastest business benefits your team gets from digitizing your validation processes.

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